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Safeguarding in our School

Safeguarding in our School

Every member of staff has a duty to keep our children safe. Borden CE Primary school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children. All staff and volunteers are expected to share this commitment. In order to carry out this duty, we have consistent and highly effective safeguarding procedures in place to ensure the safety of and support families, children and staff within our school community.


Borden CE Primary School has policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with Child Protection and safeguarding matters together with recording and monitoring processes.


To promote a safe environment for children, our selection and recruitment process includes all statutory checks on staff and regular volunteers including enhanced DBS (disclosure and barring service) checks.  New Staff and Volunteers are also required to complete a thorough and rigorous induction with one of the Safeguarding Team on their first day and throughout a programme over 4-6 weeks.


All staff receive regular safeguarding training and updates, including a full annual training session at the beginning of each academic year.  All statutory training is undertaken including ensuring all staff have read and understood the relevant sections of Keeping Children Safe in Education as a minimum. There is a comprehensive package of online training available for all staff, some of which is completed annually. This training is monitored and comprehensive records are kept.


All concerns that are reported to Designated Safeguarding Leads in school are dealt with immediately and thoroughly. The safeguarding of the children is of paramount importance.


Attendance is monitored closely and concerns are dealt with promptly. We endeavour to nurture excellent relationships with the families of our children to ensure the best possible outcomes with pupils, including high school attendance. When appropriate we work effectively with other outside agencies and parent/carers in order to deliver the best possible support.
